Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Andromeda awaits the "Great Crowd of Other Sheep"
by Doug Mason inthe great crowd, the other sheep will live forever on planet earth.. years will move from centuries, millennia, and millions of years to billions of years.
after 4 billion years, the sky will fill as their milky way galaxy and its neighbouring andomeda galaxy collide, with amazing changes in gravitational forces.
what an amazing sight!.
Village Idiot
I'm sure the elders would simply say that Jehovah would not allow that to happen. As for the stars that blow up now they might probably blame that on 'original sin' disrupting all of creation. -
Spin off Public Witness cart songs already appearing on Internet
by Esse quam videri inhow thy racks are so shiny!
how thy racks are so shiny!
how thy racks are so shiny!.
Village Idiot
Any links to youtube? -
Andromeda awaits the "Great Crowd of Other Sheep"
by Doug Mason inthe great crowd, the other sheep will live forever on planet earth.. years will move from centuries, millennia, and millions of years to billions of years.
after 4 billion years, the sky will fill as their milky way galaxy and its neighbouring andomeda galaxy collide, with amazing changes in gravitational forces.
what an amazing sight!.
Village Idiot
"Picture the next star to the Sun to be 2 instead of 4 light years away; welcome the changes to come."
Stars do not need to hit each other in order to create massive chaos. Even with our relatively distant stars in the arm of the Milky Way the gravitational effect of each other could be enough to pull a planet at least a few tens of millions of miles from its stars orbit. That could be enough to freeze a planet.
There will also be the union of the two massive black holes that are believed to exist in the center of every galaxy including ours. The detonation of two black holes joining together will be enough to fry many star systems close to the center and possibly our sun which is somewhat distant from the center of our galaxy.
Just the radiation released from such a detonation could endanger life on Earth.
Just look at the chaos below and give me your opinion.
Question re: TerryWalstrom post on Reza Aslan
by Esse quam videri inas i understand reza alsan's explanation of our view of history vs the ancients, the ancients were not so committed to recording accurate facts as recording ideas which, reza aslan stated , would be their understanding of truth.
it appears many have been quick to accept reza aslan's comments as having great weight.
he is a convincing speaker, i think mainly, because he believes what he says.
Village Idiot
The Greek Additions to the Old Testament that are accepted by the Orthodox Churches are the following:
First Esdras
Second Esdras
[The Greek Orthodox accept 1st Esdras, but not 2nd Esdras, considering 2nd Esdras to be the proto-canonical Ezra-Nehemiah. The Russian Church accepts both, but titles them 2nd and 3rd Esdras, 1st Esdras being the proto-canonical Ezra-Nehemiah.]
Additions to Esther
The Wisdom of Solomon
Ecclesiasticus, or the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach
The Letter of Jeremiah
Additions to Daniel:
Song of the Three Youths
Daniel, Bel and the Dragon
The Prayer of Manasseh
First Maccabees
Second Maccabees
Third Maccabees
Fourth Maccabees
Question re: TerryWalstrom post on Reza Aslan
by Esse quam videri inas i understand reza alsan's explanation of our view of history vs the ancients, the ancients were not so committed to recording accurate facts as recording ideas which, reza aslan stated , would be their understanding of truth.
it appears many have been quick to accept reza aslan's comments as having great weight.
he is a convincing speaker, i think mainly, because he believes what he says.
Village Idiot
Perfect preservation?
The Additions to Esther is most likely the work of an Egyptian Jew, writing around 170 BC, who sought to give the book a more religious tone, and to suggest that the Jews were saved from destruction because of their piety. The additions completely change the tone of the book from what was originally intended from the Hebrew Manuscripts...and the additions were NEVER in the Hebrew scriptures.
Andromeda awaits the "Great Crowd of Other Sheep"
by Doug Mason inthe great crowd, the other sheep will live forever on planet earth.. years will move from centuries, millennia, and millions of years to billions of years.
after 4 billion years, the sky will fill as their milky way galaxy and its neighbouring andomeda galaxy collide, with amazing changes in gravitational forces.
what an amazing sight!.
Village Idiot
@ Doug Mason:
"One billion years later, after surviving the collision of two galaxies, the Great Crowd of Other Sheep will experience the sun expand and self-destruct."
The Earth would most probably be pulled out of its orbit by the mixing of stars and their gravitational effect on each other.
The Earth however won't have to wait 5 billion years to get vaporized by the sun. Reason being that, as the sun slowly gets warmer and warmer throughout the hundred millions of years the Earth's oceans would vaporize creating a runaway greenhouse effect. This is supposed to happen a billion years from now.
The result would be no ocean, an atmosphere of water vapor that's 200 times our current pressure and temperatures over 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Great Crowd would have to move to Pluto.
Which of these activities bothered you the most?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhich of these activities did you hate/bothered you the most?
rank them from 1-5 with the most hated to the least.. .
field service.
Village Idiot
Field Service
During my final year as a JW I started having anxiety attacks out in field service.
2 - 4 day assemblies
I actually liked the 2 day, circuit assemblies. I stuffed myself with all that 'spiritual food'. I would even record them.
Giving Ministry School Talk - for men and women
I once gave a talk where I forgot to put on my tie. I was counseled, nicely, but I thought it was a somewhat trivial. I considered it amusing when I saw a sister, on stage, in her late 50s wear a head covering while talking to an elder who was half her age.
Watching 12 years getting baptized
Back in my day 14 years seemed to be the minimum. I believe I was 15 when I got baptized.
Watching young children getting disfellowshipped
The youngest df that I heard was about 14 and his younger brother who was not baptized and 11 was announced separately as disassociated.
Embrace Judeo-Christian culture and values! Is this politician serious?
by Gnostic Bishop inembrace judeo-christian culture and values!
is this politician serious?.
Village Idiot
Here is another example of a politician who's serious about instituting Old Testament civil law.
Charles Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives, is the author of God's Law - The Only Political Solution, which states that Christianity does not invalidate the O.T. law!
Embrace Judeo-Christian culture and values! Is this politician serious?
by Gnostic Bishop inembrace judeo-christian culture and values!
is this politician serious?.
Village Idiot
"...particularly when I realized that the WTS would absolutely play ball with them if these assholes ever came to power."
The Dominionists, particularly the Reconstructionists, would probably not have JWs as allies. The Witnesses and Mormons are simply too 'heretical' for them.
The Watchtower would consider them as part of "Babylon the great". Of course, why should that be a hindrance considering what happened with the UN?
Regarding Dates---Have The Witnesses Ever Been Correct On Any Of Them?
by minimus ini can't think of any chronology that has not been changed.
even their "absolute" dates are suspect.
Village Idiot
"They had two dates for the end of 6000 year rule by Satan , the first in the late 1800`s and the second one was 1975 ."
They claim that they corrected a 100 year error in the original chronology. That made 1874 turn into 1975 (maybe there was another 1 year error).
In any case one thing that is never mentioned is their assumption that the years were supposed to be 360 days long instead of 365.25. They claim that the Babylonian year was 360 days long but that is utterly false. With an actual year you would have 365.25 X 7 = 2556.75 starting at 607 B.C.E. (according to their claim about that date.). That would give a 7 year period ending in 1949 (I may be off by a year.).
Correct 607 B.C.E. to 587 you add another 20 years. Let them spin that!